Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
Insight from Our South Florida Motor Vehicle Accident Attorney – Call 24/7!
No matter how safely or defensively you drive, you can’t control what other drivers do and because of that — driving always involves a certain amount of danger and risk. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that motorcyclists are more than 10 times more likely to die in a crash than a passenger in an auto accident.
If you have been injured, or a member of your family have been seriously injured or killed in a Florida motorcycle accident, contact the Law Offices of Russ E. Robbins, P.A. in Boca Raton for a free consultation with our experienced motor vehicle accident lawyer. We can offer you the legal guidance you need to seek compensation.
Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident? Call (561) 362-5215 for a free consultation.
What Causes Motorcycle Accidents?
The most common causes of motorcycle accidents include:
- Failing to yield to a motorcyclist’s right-of-way (typically seen with cars or trucks taking left turns at intersections)
- Careless lane changes
- Road defects
- Recklessness (excessive speeding, drinking and driving, etc.)
- Inclement weather
- Motorcycle design or part defects
When there is a motorcycle accident, the results are often devastating. Victims are often left with serious injuries, brain injury, or permanent disabilities; many do not survive. We fight aggressively to help make sure that our clients are fully compensated for their injuries and other losses.
Experienced Litigation You Can Rely On
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, don’t wait to get legal representation. Our Boca Raton motor vehicle attorney can provide the legal advocacy you need to seek compensation for your pain and suffering. Medical and property damage expenses can accumulate quickly and become overwhelming. Our firm can help you attain the finances you need to overcome your injuries and accident.
Contact us today to begin building your case.