Richard Branson Seriously Injured in Bicycle Accident
Richard Branson, the famous billionaire, was recently involved in a serious bicycle accident that resulted in significant physical injuries, including torn ligaments. In fact, it was initially reported that Branson’s accident-related injuries could have been fatal.
Branson, a 66-year-old man who is most famous for having founded Virgin Group, was on the bike path with his two kids and several friends as part of a training regimen for an upcoming athletic endurance competition.
Branson’s recent brush with death occurred in the British Virgin Islands, where he was riding a bicycle on a hill. According to a post by Branson on his blog, it was a miracle that he survived the bike accident at all. Branson was reportedly traveling down a steep hill and headed to Leverick Bay in the Virgin Islands when he lost track of his surroundings and hit a large hump in the middle of the road.
The force of impact caused Branson to be thrown from his bicycle. In the moments that Branson flew over his bike’s handlebars and across the road, his life flashed before his eyes. Branson later revealed that he believe he was going to die.
In the end, Branson survived the bike crash. However, the billionaire did suffer significant injuries when he landed on the concrete road. Photos that Branson later posted online show the media mogul with lacerations across his shoulder and face.
It is unclear exactly what might have caused the bicycle accident. At the time of the accident, Branson struggled to see because it had gotten dark outside and his pathway was not lighted.
The reality is that anyone can be involved in a serious accident, whether it’s a bike accident, a car accident, or a pedestrian accident. The most important thing you can do in the aftermath of an accident is to seek immediate medical help for your injuries and then contact a qualified personal injury lawyer who will look out for your best interests.
For more information, read the article, “Richard Branson Survives Bloody Bike Crash: ‘I Really Thought I Was Going to Die.’”
If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident, car accident, or any other type of accident anywhere in Florida, you need a qualified personal injury attorney on your side. The experienced bike accident and personal injury lawyers at the Law Offices of Russ E. Robbins, P.A. will help you get compensated for your accident-related injuries. Contact us now to schedule a free consultation.