3 Summer Safety Tips to Beat the Heat in Florida
It’s summertime in Florida, and you know what that means – more time for fun in the sun, long afternoons on the water, and other outdoor activities. However, the scorching-hot days of summer can be dangerous for you and your family if you aren’t prepared.
At the Law Offices of Russ E. Robbins,P.A., we are committed to helping personal injury victims throughout South Florida and passionate about safety in our local communities. We encourage you to make the most out of summer but be sure to do so safely with the following safety tips:
1. Be Cautious of Heatstroke
A story published in partnership with the Orlando Sentinel found that Florida has an average of 25 days of dangerous heat throughout the year. A dangerous summer day in Florida happens when temps reach 103°F or more.
It makes sense to stay indoors on the hottest days of the year. With that in mind, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause serious health problems on normal summer days too. When you spend too much time outdoors, your body can overheat. This often leads to dehydration, heat stroke, and heat exhaustion. Without proper care, these ailments can be fatal.
If you are like millions of other Floridians and plan on enjoying summer outside, keep an eye out for the following signs:
• Dizziness
• Confusion
• Nausea
If you notice any of these symptoms, you should seek attention for heatstroke. To prevent your body from overheating, stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and make it a point to cool off in the shade or pool periodically.
2. Heat Stress on the Job
Building a house, harvesting crops, and factory work in the hot Florida sun is grueling work. If you work in a hot environment for multiple hours a day, you could be at risk for heat-related illnesses, injuries, and even burns. It’s important that you take the necessary steps to prevent heat stress and job-related injuries this summer. Drink extra water, have plenty of it on hand, wear clothes that help protect you from the sun, and take breaks in the shade if you begin to feel dizzy or sick.
3. Always Look Before You Lock
According to kidsandcars.org, it’s estimated that 38 children die in hot cars each year. That is a horrifying statistic and one that every parent should take to heart. Cars can reach temperatures over 190°F when left in the summer sun, and it can happen in less than 30 minutes. To avoid a tragic situation, never leave your children or pets in a hot vehicle, as they can quickly perish because of heat exposure. Whether you’re going into a shopping store or parking your car at the community pool, always look inside before you lock up. It could prevent unnecessary death.
Have Fun. Be Safe!
A little preparation and common sense can go a long way in preventing illness and injury this summer. Have fun out there but be safe while you’re enjoying your summer break. Remember, any of the accidents above can cause serious injury. If you have been injured, don’t wait to contact a personal injury attorney in Boca Raton. You will need compensation to cover the costs associated with your recovery.
At our accident and injury law firm, we are available 24/7 to discuss your case. Call us today at (561) 362-5215 and take the first step towards redemption with your free consultation.